Sunday, 27 February 2011

Space Wolf Captain (Wolf Lord)

Another Games Workshop Mini here. There are some small conversions to this one.Though they are just swapped out parts, no putty or modeling work. I am still not sure if the new weapons and pack from the current wolf pack sprues are too big on this mini. I am still trying to get the right look and colours in the armour of my Space Wolves.
Again I have used the Army Painter Tufts (winter) and Games Workshops Snow flock. I have used a few other companies snows but I like the Games Workshop one most with Gale Force 9's running a close second. I have not used the Army Painter snow flock yet.

1 comment:

  1. This so cool! so many little detail here.
    in My home town I usually go to a little workshop where my friend paint and assembling warhammer figure..
    the times and concentration they put to paint the figure one by one are amazing!

    seeing this Figure I know you done a great job, the fur and the guns look real!
